Saturday, July 16, 2011

It ends here!

Once upon a time there lived a warrior.

A question arose in him and he needed an answer.

He told the world, "Rather than love, than money, than fame, than success, than faith, give me truth."

He know that truth sets him free.

He started a journey, searching for answers. He met many people, had lot of mind blowing experiences but was unable to lay his hands on what he was looking for.

He moved ahead, still unsure of whether the direction is right.

Its the climb that counts, he thought to himself.

He found a group of people. Finally this looks like a group that can accept me as myself. At least I can a bit of myself here, he thought.

He kept moving and moving, still unsure whether its the supposed path.

After four years, one day he got an illumination, a inch of clarity about the path he is supposed to tread.

But the hard fact is, he has to leave the group. The one of very few places where he felt home.

He had to make a decision, a hard one!

Fruit of 4 years of struggle one side and the group at the other.

He made his choice, he decided to be on his path, even its leaving the group, even its difficult to do.

Today, July the 16th at 5 am he made the move.

A hard to make move!

He told himself, "let the path of struggle end here and the path of striving and joy open up!"

Is it already 4 years?!


At the end he is free and he is on his path, it's all that counts to him.

1 comment:

  1. Once upon a time there lived a warrior. - This warrior is still alive!
