Sunday, November 13, 2011

When people scold you..............

We were standing in a row...and i was standing back of one of my classmates, a girl with whom i used to fight like anything. Unfortunately i don't remember her name. We were standing in a row for some reason and as usual we started fighting. As a teacher came near, that girl put a sad face (a common girl's trick) and complained "Gopi is scolding me!"

I was shocked!

I replied with much more innocence that I did not do anything.

But she complained again to the teacher and teacher started giving me some doubtful looks!!

I was all shocked and after the teacher left us, i shouted at her for lying! Now, she almost broke into tears...:D

Now the joke is, I thought scolding means beating (i was very young that time), so when she complained to the teacher, I thought that i never beat her and so was shocked. The word "scold" erupts this memory from my memory bank but the real roots lie way back in the past.

I used to have difficulty pronouncing the letter "R".  One day my cousin sister told my Mom that she will teach me how to pronounce it properly. She made me sit in a chair and sat opposite to me with a stick in her hand. She started making me pronounce many R-words and for every wrong pronunciation she would scold me and  give me a kiss with that stick on my hand. (poetic...:P)

After some time passed, i started crying (i was very very young, probably 8 or 9) and I shouted at her, "No one of my cousins scolds me, which makes you the worst among all my cousins!!"

She was shocked! A young guy like me using such words, she told me "Only people who truly love you can truly scold you"

At that age, i did not understand it, obviously at that age people who scold us are villains in our life. But it stayed in my mind as an unanswered question and only after years of observation i understood it.

If we observe, we can see that when we win, accomplish something, many people congratulate us, praise us, party with us and laugh with us....


When we are being stupid, messing up with life, only and only few people would scold us.

and this can be a good way to spot the real friends.

When people scold you..."it can be an opportunity to identify people who really love and care for you."

PS : This article is not intended to encourage people to scold each other....and mind it...I might not like it when you always try to scold me....:P

1 comment:

  1. This is so very true! It's one reason why I love my true friends scold me:)
