Saturday, August 13, 2011

On a rainy day with a choco chip cookie

As I lazily opened my eyes after a short mid day sleep, i realized it's raining outside my window.


I got up, opened my refrigerator, took out a choco chip cookie and went into the balcony.

With cookie in one hand and other hand stretched out to feel the tiny droplets of water, I went away...backwards...years back!

I was waiting for my brother and suddenly a thought came to me, "Its sunny now and if i ask the nature to rain, will it happen?"

Okie, let me try, I thought and asked for rain.

5 minutes passed and there it is!

Remembering this, unconsciously i wore a smile on face, the hand with cookie is empty now.

A 12 year old going by the road saw me and gave a smile.

Is it tea? I asked him.

Yes, he replied.

Do you sell it? I asked.

Yes sir, he replied.

hot chai and tiny droplets of rain, perfect! I thought.

Went down, bought the chai.

Wat do u do ? I asked the boy.

I do my own business, I sell tea to people around here. he replied.

A 12 year old entrepreneur! Vaah!!

Its after he left, I realized someone is shouting behind me.


He waits for few minutes to see if I am coming to him or not. If I dont go, he would bark, jump and do all the natak.

I freed him and let him play with me. He would jump, fight, chew my hand but at the end both of us are joyful playing like two 5 year old kids!

In few minutes,

I had rain for me,
a choco chip cookie,
Hot chai!
play with ricky! and yeah
opportunity to meet a 12 year old entrepreneur.

The more you grasp the little things of life, the more you realize how joyful life is!

1 comment:

  1. Very true.... Even small things in life bring a lotta joy to us, it's just that we don't realize it sometimes :)
