Friday, June 22, 2012

Who am I?

I am not my personality....I am not my personality....I am not personality....I am not my personality!!!!!

I knew it all along that I am not my personality.But!

Almost an year, i spent my time studying various personality systems. These systems are the tools that would give us a picture of how, what our personality is. How we behave, what motivates us, what demotivates us, what are our natural tendencies etc etc.

Frankly, I did not study them to the depths, but I touched good number of these systems with one hope.

Hope to find Who I am!

But if I am in my right senses, I know I am not my "personality".

And when the something that is the real you growing in you, it would be confusing if still try to derive yourself from your personality.

I need to remember this. Once I go out of this blog, I might again go back to the same notion and again try searching myself in it.

I am not my personality....I am not my personality....I am not personality....I am not my personality!!!!!

Then y do I or people keep searching for themselves in personality?

I think because personality is easy to catch or may be tangible.

Then, How would I go beyond it and catch and hold onto my real self?

That's a question, and I will get an answer soon.

Meanwhile a quote from Torkom....

Modern man hates commands and orders. That is why he does not have willpower, concentration, and discipline. Instead, modern man obeys instantly the urges of his body, sex, stomach, habits, thoughts, and posthypnotic suggestions. He hates to obey a command from his Father or Teacher. 

The more we control our personality, the more the willpower increases within us.


  1. It's good to read your writings Gopi. Continue doing it.

    1. Thank you, Next time, I request you to mention your name :)
